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3910 Riverview Dr
Kamas, UT, 84036
United States

Woodland Estates Owners Association is a non-profit organization who's sole purpose is the daily operations and improvement of our community.  


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Sage Lane road extension

We are also extending the road on Sage Lane. As always it hasn't always gone as planned as you can see. The first day of work ended when I buried the road grader to the axles. After digging the grader out, we were able to get the road grader out. We plan to add the additional material by the end of the summer in order to build up the road to keep it from becoming a muddy mess.  Due to a milder winter and a lot of extra work the road is basically completed as you can see. We will need to add two more loads this spring to finish . Next to the upper Loop! Yippy Skippy!

finished sage lane pix.jpg
Earlier Event: March 28
Later Event: April 17
2018 Road Improvement Project