Proxy and Nomination Forms
Woodland Estates Owners Association Proxy Vote for Board Members – Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
Dear Woodland Estates Association Member,
One homeowner per lot may vote for Association Board Members. Any homeowner wishing to vote by proxy must complete this form. This form may be given either to a neighbor who will attend or to any current Board Member anytime prior to a regular or special meeting of the Association. Proxy form received after such meeting will not be accepted.
Note: By not returning this proxy or not attending the semi-annual meeting of the Woodland Estates Owners Association, your vote regarding Association business defers to the Woodland Estates Owners Association Board of Directors.
Name of Lot Owner: ___________________________________________
Lot Number: ___________________________________________
Number of Votes (each lot owner is allowed one vote):____________
*Please check on box:
I assign _____________________________________ the authority to vote on my behalf regarding Association matter and Board Member elections.
I assign the Woodland Estates Homeowners Association Board of Directors the authority to vote on my behalf regarding Association matters matter and Board Member elections.
Your Signature:
Date : ________________________
Woodland Estates Owners Association Nomination Form – Board Member
Dear Woodland Estates Association Member,
If you would like to nominate yourself as a candidate for the Owners Association Board, please complete this form and return it to Woodland Estates Owners Association at 4150 Woodland View Drive, Woodland, UT 84036.
In order to ensure that the candidates’ name is placed on the ballot that will be mailed to the Members, the Association must receive your completed Nomination Form no later than October 5th, 2019.
Name of Candidate________________________________________________________
Candidates Declaration
I declare that:
(1) I am a Member of the Association.
(2) I want to run as a candidate for a position on the Owners Association Board.
(3) I am a Member in good standing and I am current with the payment of all Owners Association dues, WSHIC water fee’s and assessments due on the property(ies) I own within the community.
(4) (A) – I (and/or my family and/or any business that I have any ownership in) do not provide any goods and/or services to the Association or the Association’s manager; - OR
(B) – I (or my family or a business that I have ownership in) provides the following goods and/or services to either the Association or its Manager: (if blank, you are declaring (4) (A), above)
By: ________________________________________ (Candidate must sign his/her name)
Woodland Estates Owners Association Nomination Form – Board Member
Contact Information (for Association use and records)
Please also provide the additional contact information requested below, in case the Association needs to contact you concerning this nomination or other related matters.
Candidates address: _______________________________________________________
Candidates Lot Number: ___________________________________________________
Home phone number: _____________________________________________________
Mobile phone number: _____________________________________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________________
The candidate’s contact information will not be provided to the other Association members.
In order to ensure that the candidate’s name is placed on the ballot that will be voted on at the semi-annual Fall Owners Association meeting, the Association must receive your completed Nomination Form not later than October 5, 2019.
Completed nomination forms should be returned to the Association at:
Woodland Estates Owners Association
C/O Vaughan Stanley
4150 Woodland View Drive
Woodland, UT 84036
Requirements of Board Members Positions: All Board Members (1) hold a dual voting responsibility for both Woodland Estates Owners Association Board of Directors and Woodland South Hills Irrigation Company Board of Directors. (2) Board Members must have the ability to attend 10 monthly board member meetings and 2 semi-annual association meetings, (3) a willingness to communicate with other Association Members, and bring to the board items of concern and possible solutions. (4) Availability for seasonal workday projects or participation in subcommittee roles.
Qualifications for Board Members Positions: Any person seeking to run for a Board Member position at Woodland Estates Owners Association must: (1) be a property owner; (2) be current on Assessments (i.e. – a Member in good standing); (3) not have any pending lawsuit or litigation against the Association or its Board of Directors; (4) not been declared “of unsound mind” by a Court; (5) not have been found by a Court to have been in breach of any duty owed to the Association under Corporation code; and (6) not have been convicted of a felony.