Magnesium Chloride Road Treatment Schedule of Events
Dust Suppressant and Road Base Binding Agent
- Tuesday June 28th – Thursday June 30th
New road base material will be applied to the most offensive portions of the roads to be treated.
- Friday July 1st – Monday July 4th
Wet roads with water truck, grade, and rake.
(The goal is to repair washboards, potholes, etc. while leaving a soft sponge like road base to best receive the magnesium chloride, driving on roads during this time should be avoided as much as possible.)
- Tuesday morning July 5th
Wet roads again prior to 9 am when Magnesium Chloride is expected to arrive, treatment will take less than 1 hour.
(Following treatment residence are advised to drive all over the roads in order to best ‘pack in’ the treatment. Please plan on driving at or below the 15 MPH speed limit for the first 24 hours to keep the new material on the road and avoid it from caking the inside of their wheel wells and the the outside of their vehicles.)